Ben Lawers National Nature Reserve

Ben Lawers Nature Reserve is a range of mountains, connecting ridges, cliffs and lochans, built of ancient rocks, folded and faulted in picturesque contortions, and home to the most celebrated collection of mountain plants in Britain. These surviving outliers of the arctic and alpine floras, relict and isolated, require sensitive protection and management.

Be alert and you may be rewarded with exciting sightings of the following:

Black grouse: In decline, but gaining from our enhancement of its woodland and moorland habitats.
Mammals: Tell-tale signs such as droppings, footprints and burrows may be all that is seen of wary beasts such as fox, wildcat or otter.
Mountain ringlet: Our best known special butterfly, a local, upland species, abundant here on sunny days in July.
Raven: Hard to miss as it proclaims its presence with a loud throaty croak, and displays its aerobatic skills.
Frog: Thrives on these hills, and often jumps just under your feet!

The mountain plants discovered in the 18th century are the reason why most field botanists aspire to visit these hills at least once. They are the reason why the Trust bought these hills – to conserve the rare plant communities and species of national and international importance. Ben Lawers is home to several of our rarest plants, such as alpine gentian, alpine woodsia, alpine mouse–ear, alpine saxifrage, alpine fleabane & alpine gentian, to name but a few...

Experience the varied plants and wildlife on the Reserve by walking around the Nature Trail, an area slowly returning to a dynamic, sparse, patchy woodland habitat for an increased variety of life. This 1km loop passes close to the Edramucky Burn, before climbing gently out of the gorge to reveal stunning views of Loch Tay and the mountains beyond.

Please don’t pick the wild plants. Leave them for everyone to enjoy!

Click here to see all the guided walks and events at Ben Lawers Nature Reserve.

Near Killin
FK21 8TY

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Phone: 01567 820988