Walking from Cally Loch to Loch Ordie in the unspoilt countryside above Dunkeld can be very rewarding. From parking your car at the car park near to Cally Loch where you may have the opportunity to see Red Squirrels dancing in the tree tops or running about on the forest floor, or look up to see Birds of Prey circling in the sky, or maybe a Fallow Deer lurking in the woods. If you visit during the Autumn months you will probably hear the belching call of the Fallow bucks in rut, a sound that's unmistakable.
You can walk from the car park to Cally Loch (look out for the loch as it's well hidden by trees) then continuing to Mill Dam, Rotmell Loch and Dowally Loch in close succession and then in a couple of miles you will arrive at Loch Ordie with its quaint fishing lodge. A Cairn has been erected at the spot where Queen Victoria is said to have admired the views over Loch Ordie.
A good selection of wildlife and birds can be seen along the way - Slow Worms, Black Grouse, Hen Harriers, Osprey (April to August), Merlin Falcon, Short-eared Owls, Kestrels, Warblers, to name but a few.
Please remember to go quietly, if you make loud noises you will scare the wildlife away!
Image Gallery: Creative Commons Licence © Copyright Mike Pennington, Gordon Brown, Mike Garratt, Rob Burke, Dave Fergusson and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.