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Bolfracks Estate

Bolfracks Estate is a 4,000 acre privately owned family estate surrounded by the glorious arena of highland Perthshire.

Bolfracks House has very special gardens, which are an oasis of peace and colour with an impressive collection of rare and unusual plants. The garden is open to the public from the 1st of April through to 31st October and provides excellent views over the Tay valley.

There is no record of exactly when the gardens at Bolfracks were first created, although a map dating from 1767 shows the gardens as they are currently to be found. Over time the garden has been largely redesigned and replanted.  Apart from the walled garden there is also a less formal wooded garden with a burn. A large collection of ericaceous plants including rhododendron, predominantly dwarf species and hybrids, azaleas, daphnes, heaths, phyllodoces, polygolas etc. The summerhouse was built in about 1930 for Mr Hutchinson and his brother and sisters as children.

The garden contains a very extensive collection of trees, shrubs, bulbs and perennials. The family mausoleum in the burial ground contains the tombs of two members of the Menzies family and their wives, who originally developed the garden. The property passed out of the hands of the Menzies in 1806.

The combination of self-catering accommodation, outdoor activities and highland hospitality makes Bolfracks Estate the perfect choice for a sporting break, corporate day out or simply a family holiday. Walking, clay shooting, stalking and fishing are just some of the activities available to visitors.

Bolfracks Estate Office
By Aberfeldy
PH15 2EX

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Phone: 01887 820344